robert burns was born near ayr, scotland, 25th of january, 1759. he was the son of william burnes, or burness, at the time of the poet's birth a nurseryman on the banks of the doon in ayrshire. his father, though always extremely poor, attempted to give his children a fair education, and robert, who was the eldest, went to school for three years in a neighb village, and later, for shorter periods, to three other schools in the viity. but it was to his father and to his own reading that he owed the more important part of his education; and by the time that he had reached manhood he had a good knowledge of english, a reading knowledge of french, and a fairly wide acquaintah the masterpieces of english literature from the time of shakespeare to his own day. in 1766 william burness rented on borrowed mohe farm of mount oliphant, and in taking his share in the effort to make this uaking succeed, the future poet seems to have seriously overstrained his physique. in 1771 the family move to lochlea, and buro the neighb town of irvio learn flax-dressing. the only result of this experiment, however, was the formation of an acquaintah a dissipated sailor, whom he afterward blamed as the prompter of his first litious adventures. his father died in 1784, and with his brilbert the poet rehe farm of mossgiel; but this venture was as unsuccessful as the others. he had meantime formed an irregular intimacy with jean armour, for which he was sured by the kirk-session. as a result of his farming misfortunes, and the attempts of his father-in-law to overthrow his irregular marriage with jean, he resolved to emigrate; and in order to raise money for the passage he published (kilmarnock, 1786) a volume of the poems which he had been posing from time to time for some years. this volume was uedly successful, so that, instead of sailing for the west indies, he went up to edinburgh, and during that winter he was the chief literary celebrity of the season. an enlarged edition of his poems ublished there in 1787, and the money derived from this enabled him to aid his brother in mossgiel, and to take and stock for himself the farm of ellisland in dumfriesshire. his fame as poet had reciled the armours to the e, and having nularly married jean, he brought her to ellisland, and once more tried farming for three years. tinued ill-success, however, led him, in 1791, to abandon ellisland, and he moved to dumfries, where he had obtained a position in the excise. but he was now thhly disced; his work was mere drudgery; his tendency to take his relaxation in debauchery increased the weakness of a stitution early undermined; and he died at dumfries in his thirty-eighth year.
it is not necessary here to attempt to disentangle or explain away the numerous amours in which he was ehrough the greater part of his life. it is evident that burns was a man of extremely passioure and fond of viviality; and the misfortunes of his lot bined with his natural tendeo drive him to frequent excesses of self-indulgence. he was often remorseful, arove painfully, if itently, after better things. but the story of his life must be admitted to be in its externals a painful and somewhat sordid icle. that it tained, however, many moments of joy aation is proved by the poems here printed.
burns' poetry falls into two main groups: english and scottish. his english poems are, for the most part, inferior spes of ventioeenth-tury verse. but in scottish poetry he achieved triumphs of a quite extraordinary kind. sihe time of the reformation and the union of the s of england and scotland, the scots dialect had largely fallen into disuse as a medium fnified writing. shortly before burns' time, however, allan ramsay and robert fergusson had been the leading figures in a revival of the vernacular, and burns received from them a national tradition which he succeeded in carrying to its highest pitch, being thereby, to an almost unique degree, the poet of his people.
he first showed plete mastery of verse in the field of satire. in “the twa herds,” “holy willie's prayer,” “address to the unco guid,” “the holy fair,” and others, he maed sympathy with the protest of the so-called “new light” party, which had sprung up in opposition to the extreme calvinism and intolerance of the dominant “auld lichts.” the fact that burns had personally suffered from the discipline of the kirk probably added fire to his attacks, but the satires show more than personal animus. the force of the iive, the keenness of the wit, and the fervor of the imagination which they displayed, rehem an important for the theological liberation of scotland.
the kilmarnoe tained, besides satire, a number of poems like “the twa dogs” and “the cotter's saturday night,” which are vividly descriptive of the scots peasant life with which he was most familiar; and a group like “puir mailie” and “to a mouse,” which, ienderness of their treatment of animals, revealed one of the most attractive sides of burns' personality. many of his poems were never printed during his lifetime, the most remarkable of these being “the jolly beggars,” a pie which, by the iy of his imaginative sympathy and the brilliance of his teique, he renders a picture of the lowest dregs of society in such a way as to raise it into the realm of great poetry.
but the real national importance of burns is due chiefly to his songs. the puritan austerity of the turies following the reformation had disced secular music, like other forms of art, in scotland; and as a result scottish song had bee hopelessly degraded in point both of ded literary quality. from youth burns had been ied in colleg the fragments he had heard sung or found printed, and he came tard the resg of this almost lost national ian the light of a vocation. about his song-making, two points are especially hy: first, that the greater number of his lyrics sprang from actual emotional experiences; sed, that almost all were posed to old melodies. while in edinburgh he uook to supply material for johnson's “musical museum,” and as few of the traditional songs could appear in a respectable colle, burns found it necessary to make them over. sometimes he kept a stanza or two; sometimes only a line or chorus; sometimes merely the name of the air; the rest was his own. his method, as he has told us himself, was to bee familiar with the traditional melody, to catch a suggestion from some fragment of the old song, to fix upon an idea or situation for the new poem; then, humming or whistling the tune as he went about his work, he wrought out the new verses, going into the house to write them dowhe inspiration began to flag. in this process is to be found the explanation of much of the peculiar quality of the songs of burns. scarcely any known author has succeeded so brilliantly in bining his work with folk material, or in carrying on with such tinuity of spirit the tradition of popular song. fee thomson's colle of scottish airs he performed a fun similar to that which he had had in the “museum”; and his poetical activity during the last eight or nine years of his life was chiefly devoted to these two publications. in spite of the fact that he was stantly in severe financial straits, he refused to accept any repense for this work, preferring tard it as a patriotic service. and it was, indeed, a patriotic service of no small magnitude. by birth and temperament he was singularly fitted for the task, and this fitness is proved by the uent to which his produs were accepted by his trymen, and have passed into the life and feeling of his race.
robert burns was born near ayr, scotland, 25th of january, 1759. he was the son of william burnes, or burness, at the time of the poet's birth a nurseryman on the banks of the doon in ayrshire. his father, though always extremely poor, attempted to give his children a fair education, and robert, who was the eldest, went to school for three years in a neighb village, and later, for shorter periods, to three other schools in the viity. but it was to his father and to his own reading that he owed the more important part of his education; and by the time that he had reached manhood he had a good knowledge of english, a reading knowledge of french, and a fairly wide acquaintah the masterpieces of english literature from the time of shakespeare to his own day. in 1766 william burness rented on borrowed mohe farm of mount oliphant, and in taking his share in the effort to make this uaking succeed, the future poet seems to have seriously overstrained his physique. in 1771 the family move to lochlea, and buro the neighb town of irvio learn flax-dressing. the only result of this experiment, however, was the formation of an acquaintah a dissipated sailor, whom he afterward blamed as the prompter of his first litious adventures. his father died in 1784, and with his brilbert the poet rehe farm of mossgiel; but this venture was as unsuccessful as the others. he had meantime formed an irregular intimacy with jean armour, for which he was sured by the kirk-session. as a result of his farming misfortunes, and the attempts of his father-in-law to overthrow his irregular marriage with jean, he resolved to emigrate; and in order to raise money for the passage he published (kilmarnock, 1786) a volume of the poems which he had been posing from time to time for some years. this volume was uedly successful, so that, instead of sailing for the west indies, he went up to edinburgh, and during that winter he was the chief literary celebrity of the season. an enlarged edition of his poems ublished there in 1787, and the money derived from this enabled him to aid his brother in mossgiel, and to take and stock for himself the farm of ellisland in dumfriesshire. his fame as poet had reciled the armours to the e, and having nularly married jean, he brought her to ellisland, and once more tried farming for three years. tinued ill-success, however, led him, in 1791, to abandon ellisland, and he moved to dumfries, where he had obtained a position in the excise. but he was now thhly disced; his work was mere drudgery; his tendency to take his relaxation in debauchery increased the weakness of a stitution early undermined; and he died at dumfries in his thirty-eighth year.
it is not necessary here to attempt to disentangle or explain away the numerous amours in which he was ehrough the greater part of his life. it is evident that burns was a man of extremely passioure and fond of viviality; and the misfortunes of his lot bined with his natural tendeo drive him to frequent excesses of self-indulgence. he was often remorseful, arove painfully, if itently, after better things. but the story of his life must be admitted to be in its externals a painful and somewhat sordid icle. that it tained, however, many moments of joy aation is proved by the poems here printed.
burns' poetry falls into two main groups: english and scottish. his english poems are, for the most part, inferior spes of ventioeenth-tury verse. but in scottish poetry he achieved triumphs of a quite extraordinary kind. sihe time of the reformation and the union of the s of england and scotland, the scots dialect had largely fallen into disuse as a medium fnified writing. shortly before burns' time, however, allan ramsay and robert fergusson had been the leading figures in a revival of the vernacular, and burns received from them a national tradition which he succeeded in carrying to its highest pitch, being thereby, to an almost unique degree, the poet of his people.
he first showed plete mastery of verse in the field of satire. in “the twa herds,” “holy willie's prayer,” “address to the unco guid,” “the holy fair,” and others, he maed sympathy with the protest of the so-called “new light” party, which had sprung up in opposition to the extreme calvinism and intolerance of the dominant “auld lichts.” the fact that burns had personally suffered from the discipline of the kirk probably added fire to his attacks, but the satires show more than personal animus. the force of the iive, the keenness of the wit, and the fervor of the imagination which they displayed, rehem an important for the theological liberation of scotland.
the kilmarnoe tained, besides satire, a number of poems like “the twa dogs” and “the cotter's saturday night,” which are vividly descriptive of the scots peasant life with which he was most familiar; and a group like “puir mailie” and “to a mouse,” which, ienderness of their treatment of animals, revealed one of the most attractive sides of burns' personality. many of his poems were never printed during his lifetime, the most remarkable of these being “the jolly beggars,” a pie which, by the iy of his imaginative sympathy and the brilliance of his teique, he renders a picture of the lowest dregs of society in such a way as to raise it into the realm of great poetry.
but the real national importance of burns is due chiefly to his songs. the puritan austerity of the turies following the reformation had disced secular music, like other forms of art, in scotland; and as a result scottish song had bee hopelessly degraded in point both of ded literary quality. from youth burns had been ied in colleg the fragments he had heard sung or found printed, and he came tard the resg of this almost lost national ian the light of a vocation. about his song-making, two points are especially hy: first, that the greater number of his lyrics sprang from actual emotional experiences; sed, that almost all were posed to old melodies. while in edinburgh he uook to supply material for johnson's “musical museum,” and as few of the traditional songs could appear in a respectable colle, burns found it necessary to make them over. sometimes he kept a stanza or two; sometimes only a line or chorus; sometimes merely the name of the air; the rest was his own. his method, as he has told us himself, was to bee familiar with the traditional melody, to catch a suggestion from some fragment of the old song, to fix upon an idea or situation for the new poem; then, humming or whistling the tune as he went about his work, he wrought out the new verses, going into the house to write them dowhe inspiration began to flag. in this process is to be found the explanation of much of the peculiar quality of the songs of burns. scarcely any known author has succeeded so brilliantly in bining his work with folk material, or in carrying on with such tinuity of spirit the tradition of popular song. fee thomson's colle of scottish airs he performed a fun similar to that which he had had in the “museum”; and his poetical activity during the last eight or nine years of his life was chiefly devoted to these two publications. in spite of the fact that he was stantly in severe financial straits, he refused to accept any repense for this work, preferring tard it as a patriotic service. and it was, indeed, a patriotic service of no small magnitude. by birth and temperament he was singularly fitted for the task, and this fitness is proved by the uent to which his produs were accepted by his trymen, and have passed into the life and feeling of his race.